Join us for the Biomedical Engineer day of the @unibern next May 24th!
Join us for the Biomedical Engineer day of the @unibern next May 24th!
We cordially invite researchers to submit contributions to the incoming MICCAI Workshop on Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis 2013. Deadline: May 27th!
I invite you to discover the new YouTube channel for the ISTB, Univ. Bern.
Our Medical Image analysis group at the ISTB, Univ. Bern has recently published two new articles in Annals of Biomedical Engineering in the topics of computer-aided bone allografts, and computer-aided face reconstruction.
Oliveira-Santos T. and Baumberger C. and Constantinescu M. and Olariu R. and Nolte L.P. LP and Alaraibi S. and Reyes M. 3D Face Reconstruction from 2D Pictures: First Results of a Web-Based Computer Aided System for Aesthetic Procedures. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. In Press 2013
Bou-Sleiman H. and Paul L. and Nolte L.P. LP and Reyes M. Comparative Evaluation of Pelvic Allograft Selection Methods. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. In Press 2013.
Links to pdf (pre-prints where corresponds) added to each publication entry
The Brain Tumor Segmentation (BRATS) 2012 took place last October 1st during the last Miccai conference held in Nice, France. The response from the competitors was excellent, featuring high level teams from around the world
Our research team from the University of Bern won the second price in the competition, congratulations!!
We have gotten two papers accepted to the coming Miccai conference, Nice France. Congratulations to the authors!
Our method for skull stripping was recently posted in the Insight Journal – Link
We hope many users will find it useful! 🙂
We are pleased to announce the coming segmentation challenge on multimodal BRAin Tumor Segmentation (BRATS2012)
The aim of the challenge is to perform an evaluation of segmentation techniques using the same datasets, as well as to promote the discussion amongst researchers.
Big thanks to Roland Wiest from Neuroradiology, Inselspital Univ. Bern, who has provided us with anonymized MRI datasets including brain tumors, thanks Roland!